

  • 7.2/10

  • Rate this

Camberwell is a multicultural neighbourhood in zone 2, South-East London. Restaurants and pubs surround the busy Camberwell Church Street and there are many green spaces with Burgess Park to the north and Ruskin Park to the south. A bit of a transport blackspot, although there is Denmark Hill station to the south.


Litter strewn and poorly connected


I'd never heard of Camberwell until I visited today. My first impressions weren't great as it was di...

I'd never heard of Camberwell until I visited today. My first impressions weren't great as it was difficult to get there and, walking up from Denmark Hill station, the place seemed a right mess. It did grow on me though as Camberwell Church Street was lively, with a selection of restaurants and pubs and some of the back streets were surprisingly pretty.

  • 3 4 0


Homely Inner City Area


Travelling through this area many times before living here, I not being impressed initially, hadn't...

Travelling through this area many times before living here, I not being impressed initially, hadn't realised what it had to offer. Trendy cafes and numerous picturesque parks, my favourite being The Bower Cafe and Brunswick Park makes it an enjoyable place to live and with a small baby in tow, it still is a comfortable inner city area. Appears to have great options for childcare, however have yet to look too much into this.

  • 5 0 0


An edgy area with nice bars


Being a West London kid the East has always been a bit foreign to me, but I have to admit it has bee...

Being a West London kid the East has always been a bit foreign to me, but I have to admit it has been growing on me as of late..

  • 1 0 1

(Advanced Reviewer)


Neighbouring Locations
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User Ratings Rate This
  • Parks & Green Spaces

    8.6 ( 5 )
  • Healthcare

    8.5 ( 4 )
  • Pedestrian Access

    8.3 ( 3 )
  • Pubs & Cafes

    8.0 ( 5 )
  • Community Feel

    7.6 ( 5 )
  • Sports Facilities

    7.3 ( 3 )
  • Affordability

    7.2 ( 4 )
  • Attractive Houses & Pretty Streets

    7.2 ( 4 )
  • Hipness

    7.2 ( 4 )
  • Cycle Access

    7.0 ( 3 )
  • Architecture

    6.5 ( 4 )
  • High Street

    6.5 ( 4 )
  • Nightlife & Entertainment

    6.2 ( 4 )
  • Driver Access

    6.0 ( 3 )
  • Safety

    5.8 ( 5 )
  • Council Services

    5.2 ( 4 )
  • Cleanliness

    5.0 ( 4 )
  • Museums, Galleries & Culture

    5.0 ( 3 )
  • Schools

    4.8 ( 4 )
  • Parking

    4.3 ( 3 )
  • Public Transport

    4.3 ( 3 )
  • Shopping

    4.3 ( 3 )

Station Denmark Hill

National Rail
Discussion Topics
Transport options


I've been looking at a flat to rent in Camberwell, which looks great for my budget. My concern is t...

I've been looking at a flat to rent in Camberwell, which looks great for my budget. My concern is transport. Do locals use Oval tube station? How does it feel hiking up to that on a daily basis? What about Denmark Hill or Loughborough Junction?

  • 2 0 2
Wise Bob


event image
Camberwell Green Market

Stalls selling foods and farmers produce. Every Saturday from 10am to 3pm.

If Peckham is too hip, here’s a nearby London village with independent cafés and shops, lovely period homes and a quick commute.

Evening Standard

Lesser known London: So, you’re living in Camberwell….

Amy Norris, King's College London

14 reasons why Camberwell is the best place to live in London


Nine things you'll know if you live in Camberwell


Camberwell: The heart and soul of South London

The York Tab


Litter strewn and poorly connected


I'd never heard of Camberwell until I visited today. My first impressions weren't great as it was di...

I'd never heard of Camberwell until I visited today. My first impressions weren't great as it was difficult to get there and, walking up from Denmark Hill station, the place seemed a right mess. It did grow on me though as Camberwell Church Street was lively, with a selection of restaurants and pubs and some of the back streets were surprisingly pretty.

  • 3 4 0


Homely Inner City Area


Travelling through this area many times before living here, I not being impressed initially, hadn't...

Travelling through this area many times before living here, I not being impressed initially, hadn't realised what it had to offer. Trendy cafes and numerous picturesque parks, my favourite being The Bower Cafe and Brunswick Park makes it an enjoyable place to live and with a small baby in tow, it still is a comfortable inner city area. Appears to have great options for childcare, however have yet to look too much into this.

  • 5 0 0


An edgy area with nice bars


Being a West London kid the East has always been a bit foreign to me, but I have to admit it has bee...

Being a West London kid the East has always been a bit foreign to me, but I have to admit it has been growing on me as of late..

  • 1 0 1

(Advanced Reviewer)


