
Location Reviews

  • 8.4/10

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Why does nobody mention Chiswick as a place to live?


Chiswick is a lovely place to live but yes it is very expensive, especially given it is a little bit of a journey from central London. It's not miles away but it is zone 3. I probably also depends on the age of the people who you're talking to. I know people that live in Chiswick now that they're in their 40's but they certainly wouldn't have lived there in their 20's. Aside from the fact that they wouldn't have been able to afford it, it's not a happening or exciting part of town. Yes it's very nice but it might also feel pretty dull, depending on the stage of life you're at and what you're into. Picture wandering around pleasant parks and along the river, in amongst convoys of expensive prams. Enjoying a quiet pint of real ale in a lovely old pub. Perfect for some, but not everyone. Places like Shoreditch and Clapham are more central, more lively and serve a different, younger demographic. Although I wouldn't necessarily say either of these places are any cheaper. Try buying an actual house in any of these places. Very much out of reach for the majority of us.

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